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Faith Comes By Hearing provides the Bible as freely as we know how. Below are summaries of relevant legalities, see the full documents for full details.

Document: Copyright
Intended Audience: Content providers
Summary: FCBH will support your copyrights, including via legal means if needed.

Document: License
Intended Audience: Developers using the DBP API
Summary: You must provide DBP content directly to end users, free of charge, in a manner that honors God. You must also honor copyrights, not store content for offline use unless it is explicitly marked as allowed, and provide users with a link to DBP Terms and Conditions.

Document: Terms and Conditions
Intended Audience: Users of apps that access the DBP
Summary: You must honor copyrights, and not attack FCBH or others.

Document: 3rd Party
Intended Audience: Developers using the DBP API
Summary: You must honor the copyrights of those whose software was used to produce DBP

Faith Comes By Hearing
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