God's Word in audio changes lives—from individual Bible app users to Gospel Film watching groups to community listening programs. The Lord advances His kingdom in South America! Be encouraged as you read these testimonies of transformation through Scripture in audio.

"A man in our community was possessed by a demon. Sorcerers, doctors, and friends tried everything they could think of to free him, but no one was able to help. But then the Word of God arrived on Proclaimers. We played Scripture for the man, and the demon left him. Afterwards, several people came to the church seeking the Lord and His Word. Blessed be God for His great love and for His Word that brought liberation to this man! His testimony is drawing others to seek Christ as Lord and Savior."

Rene, after hearing Scripture in her heart language, decided to follow God and escape the control of the evil spirit living in her uncle. One day, the spirit called for a ritual bathing for the whole family and named Rene the coordinator of this activity. When she refused, everyone told her she would be cursed. Her uncle even encouraged her husband to leave her.
Later, Rene was baking bread and had to go outside for another propane tank. As it was night, she took a candle with her. When she removed the cap from the tank, the propane spewed out, and she caught on fire. Lying in the hospital in excruciating pain, she wondered if she needed to go back to the god of her family. But when her father came to visit and pray to their ancestor, she decided to cling to the one true God and refused her father's prayer.
Then something surprising happened. Rene's skin healed without any scarring or any sign of the burns she had received. She went to the hut where the accident happened, and there was no sign of the fire at all. Now she was ready to share the message of the Bible with her family and all who would listen.
Rene uses an Audio Bible in her listening group and takes it everywhere she goes. Today, everyone in her family is a believer except her uncle. The evil spirit left him, but he is angry because he lost the power it gave him. Pride still keeps him from turning to God, but he allows Rene to visit and tell him about Jesus. God is slowly opening his heart. Rene prays he will join her listening group one day.

During the pandemic, many Chileans quarantined in their homes, isolated from their faith communities. To help combat this isolation, three Faith Comes By Hearing partners in Chile invited relatives and friends to engage digitally. Their families and friends joined and grew in their knowledge of God's Word. These lonely families felt whole again, surrounded by an online community.
Although the group's members were spread all throughout Chile, they continue to intertwine with one another through the love of Christ and the digital campaigns. The community continues to grow to this day, inviting new people to join and encouraging one another with God's audible Word.
(Listen to God's Word on the free Bible.is app today.)

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"At Christmas dinner with my family, something unexpected happened. My grandson, who was estranged from the Lord, and my son-in-law, who had not allowed us to share the Truth with him for years, accepted an invitation to watch the Gospel Film.
"After we watched, I shared the Word for almost 40 minutes, and the Holy Spirit ministered to the whole family. Moreover, everyone thanked the Lord for the blessing of enjoying the video. We all shared and prayed for each other.
"I feel great joy in my heart for the Lord's blessing on my family. If it were not for the Gospel Film, I think my grandson and son-in-law would not have opened up to hear the Gospel."

"I went to church as a child, but when I was 13, my family moved to the city and I stopped attending. At school, my cousin introduced me to his friends and, consequently, a lot of bad habits.
"Over time, I got hooked on drugs and drinking. My poor mother was always worried sick about me. She faithfully prayed for my deliverance, but I didn't want to give up my wild life. Eventually, she invited me to a group meeting at her church—and that was where I heard the Bible in audio for the first time.
"I will never forget hearing the voice of Jesus that day. His command to forgive others penetrated my heart deeply. It reminded me of when I went to church as a child. God extended His forgiveness toward me, and at last, I received it!
"From then on, my life was different—completely changed from the angry, aggressive person my family and friends once knew. God gave me meaning and purpose. Now I use the Proclaimer in a listening group with several young people, and we learn what God says in His Word and train others on the path of the Lord. Whenever I have an opportunity, I share with others what I was and who I am today in Christ."
Through people like you, more individuals like these can receive an Audio Bible, and Scripture will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). God's Word cannot be silenced!
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