“As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.” – Matthew 13:23
Love is at the core of the Gospel message. Paul reminds us that it is essential for fruitful Christian living (1 Corinthians 13:7). Our Savior, who died for our sins and loves us completely, inspires us to love others through the sharing of His life-giving Word. The testimony below testifies to the Scriptures’ supernatural power.
“My name is Yonas, and I live in Maale, southern Ethiopia, with my wife and four children. I have been following Jesus for as long as I can remember. Today, I serve as a minister in my local church, teaching the Word of God.
“My native language is also called Maale, and I learned to speak Amharic when I was in middle school. In my village, Amharic is not a familiar language. When the Maale people hear it, they consider the person speaking it to be an educated person.
“Although we have a Maale Bible translation, the literacy rate among the Maale is relatively low. Thus, many community members cannot read the Bible in their native tongue, forcing them to rely on someone to read from the Amharic Bible and translate it orally into Maale. Because of the complexity of the Maale language, this can be a difficult task.
“Several months ago, some friends and I received a Maale Audio Bible from Faith Comes By Hearing and training on how to use the device. Immediately, we created a Bible listening group in my village. Since then, we have worked through all four gospels.
“Over time, I began to reflect on the surety of the promises of God. Jesus’ virgin birth, death, and resurrection spoken by the Old Testament prophets were fulfilled in the New Testament. This fact reminded me that Jesus will also accomplish His promises in the New Testament. I can trust that God’s Word is true and pure.
“Even after years of Bible school and serving God in my church, listening to the Maale Audio Bible reinvigorated my faith and love for life and my fellow brethren. If this program helped me grow in wisdom and faith, how much more would others benefit from hearing the Maale Audio Bible? Today, we operate several listening groups throughout the Maale villages, and people are experiencing the love of Christ through His Word.”
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
God’s Word is a divine gift of agape, and what better way to demonstrate that love than to share it with others? Yonas displays Christ’s love as a reflection of his faith. It is a sacrificial love that moves past oneself and allows God’s love to flow through him onto others by the Holy Spirit’s power.
Faith Comes By Hearing’s mission is to record and provide God’s Word in a language and format people like the Maale can understand. You, too, can be part of what we call Vision 2033 when God’s Word will cover the whole earth like a garment of love. Join us today: Help us record and provide the Bible in audio so that more people worldwide can hear and know the everlasting promises of our Lord, Jesus Christ.