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The Power of Partnership

Let’s say you have a very large task, and you have to finish it entirely by yourself. You review the task and immediately get overwhelmed. You wonder how you will ever pull it off. You question whether you have the energy to complete it.

Imagine the relief you would feel if someone joins you and takes over parts of the insurmountable task. You quickly notice how skilled they are in those areas. So much better than you could do. Then someone else offers to join you in this big project with know-how and momentum that combines well with yours. Pretty soon, you can step back and see how the task feels less insurmountable than when you held it alone.


That is what partnership is all about. Faith Comes By Hearing is blessed to work with more than 700 partners all over the world, and simply put, they do things that we cannot do. While we focus on the tasks involved to record and provide audible Scriptures for languages that still need them, our partners are rolling up their sleeves in villages and refugee camps, schools, prisons, and remote islands to care for the locals in meaningful ways. And they make Audio Scriptures a part of their ministry—distributing playback devices, establishing Bible listening groups, and showing Gospel Films in the local languages.


One beautiful aspect of partnership: It enables teams to work out of their strengths. No one is good at everything, and none of us has endless energy or resources. So, to combine our efforts makes so much sense.

We have partners offering hope and stability in refugee camps for men, women, and children who have been ripped from their homes because of war and volatility. In places like Bidi Bidi, Uganda, where more than a quarter-million South Sudanese refugees are building new lives, thousands of listening groups utilize Audio Scriptures in eight different South Sudanese languages, thanks to our partner. Listeners confess that they are beginning to find hope again as God’s promises ring out.

Yala is a partner who trekked into the remote jungles of Colombia, toting suitcases full of Proclaimers. She and her companions traveled on motorcycle taxi, boat, and a truck. They then walked nine hours to reach these remote villagers, hand them a Proclaimer, and teach them how to use it.


In the high and rugged mountains of Central Asia, where layered religious influences overlap from succeeding foreign invasions, our partners place Audio Bibles into the hands of interested locals. Listening groups provide a safe place for curious seekers to ask questions and learn more about following Jesus.


Some of our partners are involved in global Bible translation, with expertise and experience that reaches back multiple decades. After they complete a translation, we record a new Audio Bible so that the entire language community can hear or read God’s Word in their heart language.


As we lean into a God-sized task to record and provide audible Scriptures for everyone who needs them, we gladly and thankfully share the work with our gifted partners. 
